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Zing Health History

Zing Health was founded in 2019 by two African American physician entrepreneurs, Eric E. Whitaker, MD, MPH, and Kenneth Alleyne, MD, along with co-founders Health2047 and healthcare executive Garfield Collins, to address inadequacies in the healthcare system by creating collaborative, community-based Medicare Advantage plans.

By extending 21st century health service solutions built around community, Zing Health seeks to drastically improve health outcomes in diverse populations that have been chronically underserved. Given that 80 percent of clinical outcomes are attributable to social determinants of health, Zing Health’s unique approach acknowledges the importance of understanding a patient’s circumstances outside of a clinical setting and offers a strategic, tech-enabled model that can scale to match the size of the problem.

In 2020, Zing Health served Medicare beneficiaries in Cook County, Illinois. Today, Zing serves an expanded service area encompassing counties in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio and Tennessee.

It's a Zing thing.™

The word “Zing” connotes energy, vigor, and excitement. Zing’s goal is to provide Medicare-eligible seniors and disabled people with the care, services, information, and wellness programs they need to achieve amaZing health.

Eric E. Whitaker,
Eric E. Whitaker

Zing Health Has a Singular Mission:

Providing managed care Medicare Advantage Plans that address social determinants of health to reduce healthcare disparities among historically underserved populations.

Zing’s plans integrate Medicare Part A and Part B benefits with Part D prescription drug coverage, along with providing robust extra benefits.

Let’s Focus on Care

Zing Health utilizes an innovative, personalized model of care that keeps the member and their primary care provider at the center, while supporting them with a wholistic care team that includes nurse care managers, behavioral health clinicians, social workers, and connections to community organizations. Zing accomplishes this while also reducing health care expenses and eliminating financial surprises for its members. Zing Health’s tight focus allows it to take the time to get to know its members; partner with them to develop comprehensive, customized care plans; connect them with resources relating to social determinants of health; and provide concierge-level customer service.

See what people are saying about Zing Health on Trustpilot

Trustpilot is not affiliated with CMS, Medicare, or Zing Health. The Trustpilot rating is not
related to Star Ratings determined by Medicare.